12 April 2014

No visitors!

Their is good reason for today's (very) late blog post and the title gives it away. We were expecting delivery of The Visitors from The Reading Agency but they haven't arrived so after waiting it was decided to carry on with the next months read which is The Host by Stephanie Meyer.

So throughout April we're reading the Host and will be discussing it at our next meeting Wednesday 7th May at 7pm.

I unfortunately missed the last meeting so my "review" of last months read, Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh, is sketchy at best. My sources (thanks Carrie) told me the majority of the group enjoyed it, a good humoured satire which gave everyone a good chuckle. The group felt that although a. Older title many of the issues covered are still relevant today.  As always their were a few of us, myself included, who just didn't enjoy it BUT I do think that's because satire isn't our thing. So if you enjoy a good satire then it's the book for you. 

Enjoy this months read, apologies for being even later than usual with this months post, and I'll see you in May :)

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